Saturday, 15 May 2010

Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard


Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard
Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard is a contemporary artist who has become well-known for the images she creates using real fish, which she places like little puppets and then photographs.

Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard’s passion for fish began in early childhood when she used to go fishing for pleasure. At the time, she played with mice that she kept on a lead and dressed up in tiny clothes made with her mother’s help. She took photos of them by placing them in sets that she had made by hand.
Her law studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin did not divert her from her love of animals, especially fish. For over 10 years, she has been designing meticulous, detailed scenarios into which she places real (dead) fish.




會意見不合-好過癮 :)


Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Damien Hirst Exhibition at White Cube gallery

Damien Steven Hirst (born 7 June 1965) is an English artist and the most prominentmember of the group known as "Young British Artists" (or YBAs), who dominated the art scene in Britain during the 1990s.He is internationally renowned, and has been claimed to be the richest living artist to date.
( by Wikipedia)

↓video here↓




Wednesday, 5 May 2010


驚悚圖文-泰國曼谷景點-人體器官麵包店Human Bakery-影片

December 11th, 2008

驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊

位於泰國曼谷,有一間非常與眾不同的麵包烘培坊,當你走進店裡,你不會覺得自己走進了麵包店,而像走進了停屍間裡,兩旁的貨架、烤盤及掛勾上擺滿了非常擬真的腐爛人體器官、屍塊造型的麵包Human Bread,如果不是早有心裡準備,包準你嚇一大跳,馬上奪門而出。

製作這些人體部位麵包的師傅是位藝術系的學生,名叫 Kittiwat Unarrom。

身位一位藝術系的學生,Kittiwat Unarrom一開始也是從事繪畫人像等創作,不過後來,因為自己家裡是經營麵包店的緣故,轉而將藝術與其它創作媒介做混合,這個媒介便是家裡常見的生麵團。

查詢著各種解剖書籍與法醫博物館的人體攝影、人體模型資料,並透過葡萄乾、腰果、巧克力等各種食材的搭配,Kittiwat Unarrom把人體器官麵包越做越像,不少想要惡作劇或是好奇而購買的人也越來越多,這也成為自己家裡麵包店的另一主要收入。


驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊 驚悚圖文,泰國景點,人體器官,麵包店,Human Bakery,Human Bread,烘培坊

人體器官麵包店Human Bakery